Water Softeners

July 15, 2014

How Much Energy Does a Water Softener Use

The efficiency of our Ecowater Systems are all the same for water and salt usage. They use ½ the amount of water upon regeneration compared to competitor brands. They have a 24 volt system with an...
July 10, 2014

How Does a Water Softener Work

The basic operation of a water softener consists of service and regeneration. The resin inside the mineral tank is specially designed to remove “hard” particles of lime and calcium by a simple ion exchange process.
July 7, 2014

What Are the Benefits of a Water Softener

7 Benefits of a Water Softener. 1) It will prevent calcium build up on your water lines and in your water heater (longer lifetime of heater). 2) Appliances such as your dishwasher and laundry washer...