February 28, 2020

ValorStat Plus Temperature Mode

Setting the temperature on your Valor remote control.
May 10, 2019

A/C Tips – Preparing for the Summer Season

As we are slowly coming into air conditioning season, here are a few tips you can do before it gets hot. Following these tips can prevent being uncomfortable for the 1st heat wave of the summer.
May 8, 2019

Why You Should Get Annual Maintenance on Your Air Conditioner

Air conditioners are complex mechanical systems that depend on a wide variety of conditions to work properly. Professional annual maintenance will help extend the life of your equipment and can lower...
May 8, 2019

A/C Maintenance Tips for Better Air Quality

It is recommended to clean and/or change the furnace filter every month while using your air conditioner. Depending on the type of filter and it's condition, you may be able to clean/change it less...
May 6, 2019

How Much Does it Cost for a New Air Conditioner

As with any equipment not all products are created equally. There is a wide range of makes and models available to the consumer. We recommend the Carrier brand.