A/C Maintenance Tips for Better Air Quality

How Much Does it Cost for a New Air Conditioner
May 6, 2019
Why You Should Get Annual Maintenance on Your Air Conditioner
May 8, 2019
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It is recommended to clean and/or change the furnace filter every month while using your air conditioner. Depending on the type of filter and it’s condition, you may be able to clean/change it less frequently.  A clean filter assists with the efficiency as well.  If you don’t change the filter on a regular basis, the air flow will decrease and your system will not perform as efficient.


While cooling your home, using an exhaust fan in your kitchen or bathroom during moisture-producing activities such as cooking, bathing and washing will help reduce the humidity in your home. The exhaust fan will send the moisture directly outdoors, in result your home will feel much cooler during these activities.